You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for a wedding at Auburn United Methodist Church: sunny and clear, not too hot, not too cold. Perfectly springy, including birds chirping in the trees – we found out quickly not to stand under them (yes, there were some bird poop casualties). But in typical Whitney and Matt fashion, they took it all in stride.Hello, gorgeous!
When Matt first saw Whitney, my heart skipped a little because he was completely at a loss for words. He just hugged her tightly, sort of stuttered and stammered and finally got out, “I don’t know what to say.”
After a private moment in the sanctuary together, we were off to get pictures done before the ceremony:
Since they’re both athletic (and silly) at times, I wasn’t surprised when they asked to do a jump shot:
Off to the Saugahatchee Country Club for the reception:
The Music Guys told the story of how Whitney and Matt met – which involved some funny moments about psychos (you had to be there):
But the funniest moment of all came during the traditional cake feeding (the pictures explain it all – don’t kill me for posting this Whitney, but I know Matt loves it and I do too!):
Thank you Whitney and Matt for a day full of laughs – I hope Costa Rica was fabulous and you’ll keep sending me triathlon tips!
what a great lot of fun photos … very nice
[…] nugget, who wasn’t even a twinkle in her mom and dad’s eyes back in 2010 when I shot their wedding. She was celebrating her first birthday, complete with balloons we kept out of sight until late […]