Category Archives: Engagements

Engagement: Polly & Stu – Seabrook Island, South Carolina

Yep, you read that right: engagement. When I heard that Polly and Stu were in their “September years” (Stu’s words), I thought to myself, “How awesome is that???” These two are a couple of the coolest people you’ll ever meet – they do Pilates together and they’re big college basketball fans. They even made sure...

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Engagement: Emily & Adam – Auburn, Alabama

Snow and Alabama are usually two words that don’t mix. But this year, in the middle of an extra long, cold winter, there was snow in Alabama, and plenty of it. Emily and Adam’s engagement session was originally scheduled for the day AFTER the major snowfall was expected, but since I had to reschedule a...

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Engagement: Amy & Brandon – Sardis, Alabama

One cold day, after a long drive down some hilly roads, I made it out to Amy’s parents’ house in the country. So far in the country that the address doesn’t come up on my GPS and I had to rely on good old fashioned directions on paper. If you’ve read my previous blog posts,...

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Engagement: Jessica & Tyler – Mathews, Alabama

When Jessica told me she and Tyler liked to ride bikes at her house in the country, I knew there would be fun pictures ahead. When I saw the bikes were red and well-loved, I was even happier. When I saw Tyler’s argyle socks, I was completely giddy! I think he thought I was teasing...

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Engagement: Lisa & Hunter – Opelika, Alabama

I have to say it – I LOVE shooting in the country! Give me a farm full of open fields, weathered wood, and hay bales, and I’m a happy camper. Lisa & Hunter decided to start their session at Hunter’s family farm, which had all of the above, plus the added bonus of a railroad...

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