Category Archives: Engagements

Ashley & Adam’s Engagement

When I asked Ashley and Adam what we could incorporate into their engagement session to make it a little more personal, they came up with two things they like: having coffee at Cafe Louisa, and Auburn football! So we met up in Old Cloverdale and went from there. I noticed right away that Ashley has...

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One more of Trenna & Shane!

Not quite through editing their session yet, but I had to post one more in honor of Trenna’s birthday today! Happy birthday!

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Trenna & Shane’s Engagement

These two are a photographer’s dream! They were up for anything, ready to go anywhere, and did everything I asked without hesitation – not to mention they are totally adorable together! Funny side note: I like to incorporate things that are special to the couple, so when I asked Trenna while we were on the...

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Engagement pics – Nikki & Erik

If you know me, then you know that engagement pics are one of my favorite things to do! I’m such a sucker for the lovey-doveyness, plus it gives me a chance to work with them BEFORE the big day – which is really important to me because I want all of my couples to feel...

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