Category Archives: Engagements

Engagement: Lauren & Russ – Piedmont Park – Atlanta, Georgia

Russ and I have something unusual in common – we both met Lauren at a wedding. Not the same wedding (I shot her sister’s wedding a few years ago, he met her when some mutual friends of theirs got married), but still, how often does that happen? Cutie patootie Charlie joined us for a few...

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Engagement: Brooke & Blake – Auburn, Alabama

Whenever I have couples coming in from out of state (in Brooke & Blake’s case, North Carolina), I always hope that the weather will cooperate because rescheduling isn’t really an option. The weather was great, but we ran into another little hurdle when we were going through their wardrobe – Brooke had all her clothes…except...

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Engagement: Shaquan & Michael – Montgomery, Alabama

Since they booked me online, I didn’t get a chance to meet Shaquan and Michael before they came down from Birmingham for their engagement session. When I saw they had color coordinated his Chuck Taylors to her espadrille wedges, I knew we would get along just fine. 😉

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Engagement: Courtney & Greg – Auburn, Alabama

Sometimes the weather doesn’t play nicely with me – so when there was a chance of rain the week of Courtney & Greg’s engagement session, I was a little worried. Courtney was coming in from North Carolina, so rescheduling wasn’t really an option. Lucky for us, the sun was out (almost a little too much...

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