Category Archives: Portraits

Portrait: Tison, Caroline, & Brooke – Pike Road, Alabama

When I first moved to Alabama, I was warned about the heat and humidity. Over the years, I’ve gotten a little more used to it, but every now and then, you get a reminder of how extreme it can be. That day happened to be the day of Tison, Caroline, and Brooke’s session. We actually...

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Portrait: Isabella – Montgomery, Alabama

Isabella is one of those babies that just oozes sweetness. She smiles a lot, laughs a lot, and is just generally happy. I seriously have concentrate on the camera to keep myself from just picking her up and squeezing her. Seriously.She loves her monkey. But she will share him with you if you ask. 🙂This...

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Bridal Portrait: Jennifer – Wetumpka, Alabama

When you’re in Alabama in the summer, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to deal with one thing: humidity. The good thing is, doing a bridal portrait before the wedding gives you a chance to test out your hair to see how much it wilts, and you can take pics with your camera phone to show...

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Engagement: Brooke & Brandon – Georgiana, Alabama

I started Brooke and Brandon’s session in a very special spot – on the balcony just outside Brooke’s bedroom, where once upon a time, Brandon asked her to marry him. The stairs leading up to the balcony reminded me of something out of Romeo & Juliet (yes, I am a romantic – don’t tell anyone).These...

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Senior Portrait: Danielle – Montgomery, Alabama

Meet Danielle. Teeny tiny. And fabulously gorgeous. The day of her session, it looked like rain, so Danielle, her mom, and I hopped in the car and headed downtown, hoping the weather would hold out. It did start to sprinkle – but not until the end of shooting at our last location. 🙂

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