The last round of pictures from my Ireland adventure are here! Off to Blarney Castle, to kiss the Blarney Stone. Legend says if you kiss the stone, you gain the gift of eloquence. What legend doesn’t tell you is that you have to climb up a very skinny spiral staircase to get to the stone (claustrophobic people beware).The other thing legend doesn’t tell you is that you have to lie down and lean WAY back over a ledge to kiss the stone (and yes, that guy’s only job is to hold onto people to make sure they don’t fall). I thought about not doing it, but not because of the heights – I was just thinking about how many people were kissing the stone before me. And it’s not like they bust out alcohol wipes between visitors. I got over the yuck factor and just did it:
The next stop was Cobh, the last port of call for the Titanic before she sailed on her maiden (and only) voyage. It was also where many Irish men and women left Ireland during the infamous “Potato Famine”.
Next, the Jameson Distillery – home of Jameson Whiskey:
The quintessential picture of Ireland: lots of sheep in a green pasture.
The Rock of Cashel:
A few colorful happy snaps from around Cashel:
Stained glass inside The Black Abbey in the city of Kilkenny:
And last but not least, possibly Ireland’s most famous export: Guinness.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage Guinness bottles:
I poured a perfect pint of Guinness – I have a certificate that says so. 🙂
I loved this sign, seen all over Ireland. It’s their version of an “EXIT” sign. Cracks me up that the little stick figure is running – apparently when you leave anywhere in Ireland, they expect you to go really fast!
Hopefully, I can come back just as fast. Thanks Ireland for an unforgettable trip!
Cool detail work! You have an a great perspective!