Time for more Ireland goodness! Another highlight of the trip for me was our excursion to the Aran Islands, home of Aran sweaters, and one very funny local tour guide. We didn’t get his name, but I had to take a picture of him because he had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. He won us over with the random animal sound effects he would throw in during our tour.The Aran Islands are really small, but everywhere you look, there’s something picturesque:
Our first stop was Dún Aonghasa, a stone fort at the top of a cliff. Hard to believe people were living there circa 1500 B.C.
If you follow my Twitter or Facebook updates, you might remember me saying I laid on the edge of a cliff to take some pictures. Well, here you go! This view is just off to one side of the fort.
I love the color of the water. I don’t know why I was expecting the water in Ireland to be dark and murky.
Next stop: The Seven Churches.
It might seem a bit eerie, but it was a peaceful place. Seemed like a pretty nice spot to rest your bones if you ask me.
The next morning, we headed to the Cliffs of Moher. At the top, you see O’Brien’s Tower, as well as some signs, all with a recurring theme. I think they all basically translate to “If you go over the edge, you’re not coming back, silly tourist.”
Okay, so I was feeling a little rebellious…
…but only long enough to snap a picture:
Next up: Bunratty Castle.
We found a door around the side that was just the right size for me. I knocked, but no one answered. 🙁
To be continued (again)…
Awesome pics Julie!
Spectacular photos, thanks for sharing.