Snapshots: Nineteen Photographers in The Hamptons

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m lucky to have some really talented friends in the photography world.  And when I say “talented”, I’m talking 9/11 photographers…Pulitzer winners…people who are ridiculously good at this thing we call a job.  So when you have the chance to get together with 18 of those people (that you normally only get to see once a year), you don’t hesitate to pack your stuff and head to a house in the Hamptons.  Because you know you won’t just learn about flash setups and search engine optimization.  You’ll chop onions with Britney in the kitchen, while the guy that came all the way from London tells a story about selling Beanie Babies.  You’ll listen to Gulnara talk about how to choose the best images from a wedding, then watch Nadine school you on Renaissance fashion.  You’ll bond through your mutual nerdiness by seeing what kind of creative ring shot you can come up with using a glass of Genevieve’s sangria, a headlamp, and an iPhone: wedding ring shot using a glass of sangria headlamp and iphonewedding photographers get together in the hamptonsponguogue beach on long island new yorktacos and beach photos in the hamptons

And last but not least, you take part in an epic group shot (what do you expect from a group of photographers???):wedding photographers powwow in the hamptons

Group shot courtesy of James Nisly – the rest are all iPhone pics by yours truly. 🙂

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Portrait: Ollie – Huntingdon College – Montgomery, Alabama

You hear stories about kids getting teased for having red hair – but in Ollie’s case, it’s only made his cuteness more memorable. When Ollie’s grandmother struck up a conversation with a very pregnant red-headed woman at the grocery store, she had to show her one of his pictures. When she did, the lady said, “I’ve seen that baby on Facebook!” I’ve lost count of how many people have told me, “I LOVE that little red-headed baby you posted!” Well so do I. How could I not, when he gave me kisses at the end of his session?a redheaded baby portrait in montgomery alabamaa baby portrait session at huntingdon college in montgomery alabamamontgomery baby portrait of a red haired blue eyed babya red haired little boy portrait in a montgomery al parkIn twenty years, he’ll probably be striking this exact same pose at a concert. Rock on, Ollie.

a montgomery alabama baby portrait session

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Wedding: Featured on the Modern Weddings Hawaii Blog!

Dreaming of a beach getaway this summer? Head to the Big Island of Hawaii, and check out my pictures from Alison & Bob’s wedding, featured on the Modern Weddings Hawaii blog HERE!chanterelle photography featured on modern weddings hawaii blog

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