The 2019 Chanterelle Photography Holiday Card: “Let The Games Begin”

The New Year is here, which means it’s time to reveal the 2019 Chanterelle Photography holiday card, “Let the Games Begin”!  Game of Thrones is yet another theme that has been on the list of card ideas for quite a while, even though I didn’t really watch the show until earlier this year!

I was initially hesitant to do this theme because that meant I’d have two cards in a row that were relatively dark with stone walls (last year’s card was based on a Potions Class scene from Harry Potter).  But the more I thought about it, I knew if I was ever going to do Game of Thrones card, it needed to happen this year or not at all.  The final season (season 8) aired this year, and I wasn’t sure how many of the details people would remember years from now.  So the decision was made, and Daenerys Targaryen and Rhaegal would be brought back to life!

Some fun behind-the-scenes tidbits:

*The outside of the card is a parchment wrap, closed with a dragon wax seal (appropriate for House Targaryen).  It’s also appropriate for me, because if you follow the Chinese Zodiac, I was born in the Year of the Dragon.  RAWR!

*Someone asked if I was actually wearing a long platinum wig or if I just photoshopped my face in – the answer is yes, I was actually wearing the wig, which was a steal on Amazon for around 12 bucks!

*I was also wearing A LOT of clothes – a long black dress with a long sleeved shirt over it, a short sleeved jacket over that, plus gloves, and boots.  There’s also a pair of pleather leggings thrown over my shoulders and crisscrossed in front of me.

*Watson was really wearing dragon wings in the picture.  But they were much smaller in real life, and bright lime green (they were edited in Photoshop later)!  I also tinted his fur slightly green in Photoshop.  His overall coloring is based on Rhaegal’s coloring in Game of Thrones.

*To get a picture of Watson with his mouth open, I gave him pieces of chicken jerky and took pictures while he chewed with his mouth wide open (rude, I know).  Needless to say, he was really good at that part of this shoot!

Want to see our cards from previous years?  Look here for the ones featuring Watson: 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015.  There’s also one epic blog post with the 8 cards that featured Missy: 2007-2014.

Want to create your own Game of Thrones themed photo?  Here are links to some of the exact items we used (click the photos below to go to the corresponding item’s page on Amazon)! Please note: this post contains some referral and/or affiliate links.  What this means is, if you click on one of the links and purchase the item shown, I may receive a small commission from the company selling that item (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases).  This happens at no additional cost to you – the price of the item is the same whether you order through one of my links or not.  

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